Python - Installation


Miniconda is a minimal installer for Conda.
Conda is a package, dependency, and environment management for any language.

  1. Download the latest miniconda:

  2. Run bash script, read terms, and set path:

  3. Create a python environment with some useful libraries:

    conda create -n python3_teaching -c conda-forge -c oggm numpy xarray cartopy matplotlib jupyterlab pandas geopandas salem scipy dask xesmf scipy geoviews hvplot rasterio affine wrf-python
  4. To activate/deactivate conda environment:

    conda activate python3_teaching
    conda deactivate


To list your environments:

conds info --envs

To list the libraries in your activated environment:

conda list
conda list | grep <package-name>

To create an environment from a YAML file:

conda env create -f my_environment.yml

To install a library (you can search for it on Anaconda here):

conda install <package-name>
conda install -c conda-forge <package-name>

Can also use PIP to install packages:

pip install <package-name>

For more information, see the documentation.